Thursday, 29 June 2023

Freelance Wordpress Consultant UK SEO Freelancer Nina Payne


10 Signs You Have Married Your SEO Freelance Digital Marketer

My personal fundamentals for marrying your long-term SEO Freelancer include: Trust, Commitment, Communication, Understanding, Shared Goals, Adaptability and Paying Promptly. These fundamentals prosper over decades of business together.

As a freelancer I’ve been lucky in client love. Slowly, you realise that the business lines become blurred, until the pixels blend and there’s no hard distinguishing line between you and your client BFF. In the field of sociology and psychology, the institution of marriage is a complex social and interpersonal phenomenon that involves the union of two individuals with the intention of forming a long-lasting and intimate relationship.

Define intimate? Like having an affair, there’s some fundamentals that are a dealbreaker. We don’t mind if we aren’t the only SEO, you are welcome to have an affair if I know they exist. If you had a secret SEO then I’d probably flip a table. Then there’s the transactional trust, I get payment on time and I deliver good work to the client. Clients sack ineffective SEO’s who are unable to prove results. Freelancers often divorce clients for systematic late payment.

Blurred Lines Between Client and Freelancer - Good or Bad?

  1. Texting Out of Hours: You’re so comfortable with each other that texting early morning or late evening doesn’t feel out of place. You’ve even reached the point where you’re exchanging memes – a sure sign of a deepening bond.
  2. In Jokes: You and your SEO have spent so much time together that you’ve developed a series of in-jokes that only the two of you get. These in-jokes have become a shorthand way of communicating and bonding over shared experiences.
  3. Spontaneous Calling: You find yourself picking up the phone to share something that’s just perfect for one of your in-jokes. Even if it’s midnight on your way home from the Christmas party. Some things just can’t wait!
  4. Doing Favours for Each Other: The professional line has been blurred, and you’re now exchanging favours beyond the typical client-service provider relationship. Whether it’s services, products, or advice, you’re there for each other.
  5. Knowing Their Work and Personal Number: You’ve reached the level of closeness where you have both their work and personal numbers. It’s no longer just a professional relationship – it’s a friendship.
  6. Exchanging of gifts: You’re invested in their personal life, following them on social media, and making sure they’re not being poached by other SEO’s. Also, by having email notifications sent to your inbox for your client’s contact form, you view the quality of the leads that are coming through.
  7. Feeling Excited to Meet Them Socially: The prospect of meeting your SEO pal at social events fills you with excitement. It’s no longer just about work; you genuinely enjoy their company.
  8. Being Introduced as “My SEO Mate”: When your client introduces you as “My SEO, but we’re actually buddies in real life”, it’s clear the relationship has moved beyond professional boundaries.
  9. You’ve Met Each Other’s Family/Partners: Meeting the family is a significant milestone in any relationship, and it’s no different here. Your bond with your SEO expert has reached a level where you’re part of each other’s personal lives.
  10. They’ve Stayed Overnight at Your House: When your SEO expert has stayed over at your house, or vice versa, it’s safe to say the relationship has evolved far beyond a standard client-service provider relationship. You’re practically family now.

Is SEO Like Marriage? Digital Marketing in the Modern Era

How closely intertwined are you with your clients? The rapport between a freelance Digital Marketing SEO in the UK cyberspace and their clientele may unexpectedly mirror the dynamics of a marriage. You might not see it at first, but the parallels become clear when you delve into the relationship’s core.

Looking to connect with a grey haired SEO? Chat with me and send a message to say hello.

Just like a thriving marriage, the professional bond can also flourish when both parties display commitment, mutual trust, effective communication, and a shared vision. The same principles apply to the realm of SEO, which is a long-term strategy requiring patience, consistent monthly efforts, and a constant learning curve to adapt to the ever-changing SEO trends and algorithm updates.

In recent times, we’ve seen the ripple effect of major developments in Google Analytics, with GA4 introducing significant updates and the sunset of Universal UA. The SEO landscape has also evolved since the early 2000s, with some veterans in the field transitioning towards ad-hoc projects, while others energetically navigate the daily challenges, be it with a cheerful disposition or the occasional frustration vented on their keyboards. The key to survival is adaptation and knowing when to balance professional commitments with personal priorities.

My journey in Digital Marketing has seen me cross paths with a diverse range of SEO experts over nearly two decades. This includes CSS and Python wizards, experienced colleagues who’ve embraced age and baldness, and myself, who, despite the occasional ridicule, maintains a stubborn loyalty to my 1980s fashion sensibilities.

In this ever-evolving “marriage” with your SEO expert, periodic reassurances about meeting key performance indicators can bolster their confidence. So, the question to ponder is: How invested are you in this relationship with your clients? It might be more similar to a marriage than you initially thought.

SEO Booster 30 Day Package - No Contract One Off Service

SEO Booster package This is a complete all-in-one SEO starter package personalised to your site with a 10-point checklist to ensure your website is verified in Google, Bing, Yahoo and Alexa. If you are looking for your website to climb in the search engines with linkbuilding and a marketing strategy at low cost then this is the package for you! This includes a video for effective marketing. YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google. Double your chances of your website being found by appearing on both, and linking between each other. After all, Google owns YouTube so don't miss this trick!

Video search engine optimisation (VSEO)

Video search engine optimisation (VSEO) is becoming increasingly popular and if you have a business and haven't taken advantage of this tool, there's no time like the present. Did you know that more than 2 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day? The popular network has the power to give your business massive exposure and if your video happens to go viral, your company could become the next overnight sensation. Video SEO can help increase the visibility of your video, making it more likely to be seen by your target audience, with the added bonus of adding backlinking and increasing your website's DA score. Whether you nod sagely, or shrug indifferently, this is no game of Hide n Seek, the fact that Google owns YouTube and the long term relationship has gone further than carving names in a tree bestows upon the SEO benefits of uploading a video to YouTube as a company brand.

It’s time to unleash the lady.  Let’s begin boosting your business with a free 20-minute Phone Chat. No commitment necessary – this one’s on me. Everyone loves a natter, right? How about upgrading to a £70 Zoom Consultation (no webcam required, you watch me screen share) and I promise to give you 100% refund when you onboard as a client within 3 months.

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