Monday, 10 November 2014

Do You Own Your Own Google Data?

Do You Own Your Own Google Data? 

Many web design companies provide Google Analytics access via your email address, when in actual fact they own the data as they create the account under thier company umbrella. This is the same for Google Webmaster Tools. 

To find out whether you own your data or just have access, try to link Google Analytics to Google Webmaster Tools property:

Alternatively look under 'Managers' in the Admin settings of Google Analytics.

Here's some people on the Google forum expressing their frustration with data ownership:

"I recently fired a marketing company who setup our website and google analytics.   We left on good terms and they made my email address an admin.  However it doesn't appear that I have complete access to analytics as I was trying to edit users and it says I don't have sufficient access.  Any help here would be appreciated."

Monday, 2 June 2014

How To Write a Blog Post for SEO

How To Write a Blog Post for SEO

When writing content bear in mind the age old adage of composing a short story - the beginning, the middle and the end. 

Often a blog post poses a question identifying a need, describing a hypothetical situation and concluding with a summary solving a problem or scenario. 

The theory behind writing an online article with SEO in mind

This blog post is written to illustrate the components of a web page as outlined below. 

First of all decide on the theme for your post and think of suitable phrases and keywords in advance, sculpting the page to reflect the theme of your content in an engaging fashion. This article is written on the theme of "How to write for SEO" with the keywords 'content' 'headers' 'engaging' 'sharing' and 'SEO'.

The main objective of online publishing is to provide an informative guide, provide free information whilst ultimately looking to promote a product or service written in a manner which would encourage readers to share your article, blog post or web page by email or social media.   
  • Content is King - Headlines are there to grab attention. Use a title which makes people stop and decide to click in to read further. Popular phrases include "Discover The Best Way..." / "How To ..." / "Ten Top Tips When ..."
  • Use specific keywords and phrases to help Search Engines figure out the relevance of your page versus other pages published on the internet
  • The first paragraph should further underline the importance of the headline, using 2 or 3 sentences at minimum (you can write more if you wish) remembering your keywords
  • Use the first subheader H2 as a continuation on topic, with more text following 
  • Always write for people with SEO in mind as a secondary priority. If your blog post is not compelling reading, you have wasted your time, visitors are unlikely to share socially or recall information if the script is repetitive and poorly written.
3 Things To Remember
  1. The page title - and the URL (often re wriiten automatically by CMS platforms) E.g. When I am creating a new page in Wordpress my settings allow the platform to create the URL as I type the title This is referred to as an SEO-friendly URL as opposed to
  2. A headline and sub headers - H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, and lastly H6
  3. Keyword rich text - Content is King, write for readers, not Google, avoid repeating keywords
  4. Keywords in the CMS - Wordpress has many plugins with Yoast being a global favourite. Avoid stuffing your keywords into repetitive phrases like ‘music mastering’ ‘cd mastering’ ‘studio mastering’ ‘online mastering’ simply choose ‘mastering’ ‘music’ ‘cd’ ‘online’.

SEO Headings Elements - as utilised by 1weekSEO

Only one H1 Header should be used in most circumstances - You can use any number of H2, H3, H4, H5, H6 Elements on your blog post or web page, most common is just the first 2 or 3 as using 4,5 and 6 may appear too bulky on a regular page.

Think of a newspaper front page - the headline should grab attention and make it absolutely clear what you are writing about: 
Courtesy of The Sun newspaper
In this case “Games, Set and Match” as the H1
Followed by “Wimbo Gold for Murray” as the corresponding H2 subheader
Additionally, a change of subject would be “Bolt romps to 100m win” as a second H2 or a H3

Headers are theoretically the most important structure of a blog post or web page at this time. Major search engines - Google Bing, Yahoo - crawl web pages and look for these. Headers are labelled in order of importance, let me describe my coffee this morning:

On my website is an internal page explaining about the Importance of Social Media, can you see how the structure is laid out using the elements described above?

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Twitter Acadamy - 6/3/2014 Tweets and Summary

Twitter Acadamy - Tweets and Summary


Wednesday, 26 February 2014

1weekSEO Social Media Article

Social Media and Customer Reputation

Read the article here on my website
Search Engine Optimisation is crucial to the success of most businesses, but what is the best way to succeed on a limited budget? And why is Google+ increasing in popularity? Back in the 1990's I used to work in printed media advertising for a leading South West group of Newspapers as an Area Manager. Fast forward 15 years and adverts in magazines or newspapers have declined by over 60% due to the internet. It has always been a widely-known and accepted fact that the best form of advertising was word of mouth, a personal recommendation from family and friends.

Word of mouth

Word of mouth will always be the top form of marketing for any company, and Google provides a global source of websites that offer reviews of products and services, a couple of negative reviews on eBay, or a few scathing remarks on Amazon will often leave the potential customer closing their wallet and looking elsewhere.
Social Media Training 1weekSEO 

Always be confident to ask for a review

Internet reviews are now taken into consideration a whole lot more often and websites such as Yelp, Trustpilot and Tripadvisor grow in popularity with every month. Angry customers are 65% more likely to bother to take time out of their day to leave a bad comment on a product or service. Customers who experienced a smooth transaction won't think twice about spending time to create a new profile just to leave praise on the internet. Get ahead of the game and create social accounts as a company and invite reviews regularly, a one-click system reduces the time to leave a review and customers will be more likely to leave an approving compliment.

Be proactive not a firefighter

Business owners should always look for reviews of their own company if no social media campaign is in place. There could be a nasty surprise waiting from a disgruntled person who took to the internet after a less than perfect experience. The best way to stay on top of this is create accounts online where email alerts are sent when a new review is left. As ownership is proven this gives the opportunity to turn a negative review into a positive experience. If a customer left a review 6 months ago, the work entailed in persuading the customer to delete or amend their review is much harder than to respond in a timely fashion and handle the manner as soon as possible.

Learn to be social and engaging

Large corporations now employ whole teams to manage online reputation, and offer an extra level of real-time customer service with Twitter and Facebook still maintaining the top two spots. Social Media teams are skilled in defusing anger in customers who rant online, and when a frustrated person receives an instant response to a question with an apology, much of this stress level can be reduced in a matter of minutes. Engagement with customers online is a strong arrow to add to your customer service crossbow, aiming for the target of the problem and splitting the proverbial apple. In 2014 it's more important than ever now to incorporate Social Media into SEO. Hashtags on Twitter, Google+ and blog comments stick around for ever. Don't be afraid, as part of my SEO services I offer Social Media training for you to learn as we go along.