Looking to work from home from your PC?
People Per Hour website offers skilled workers the opportunity to earn extra cash in their spare time and be rewarded with feedback.
I have been a member since 2009 and can demonstrate success. You don't need to be qualified, just able to demonstrate a high level of expertise. Anyone can be a freelancer, even if you don't own a business, your background is irrelevant if you can prove your worth and gain trust.My skillset is in Internet Marketing, specifically Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to rank websites in Google and other search engines like Bing and Yahoo.
- Here's my story:
When I first joined PPH in 2009 my biggest mistake was underselling my services. Without any feedback I was keen to earn some kudos, and bid very low on all available jobs with little success. As I progressed, I took time to improve my marketing tools and presentations, taking care not to copy and paste a response into jobs, researching websites in advance of making a bid.
Over the years I understood more and more how the people posting jobs often have little or no idea about SEO and I found very quickly that straight talking and an honest approach was a big hit with clients, even if I am critical of their website layout or current marketing strategies. I'm not afraid to tell it like it is and often inject humour to alleviate any negative points I am making, turning them round into a positive end result.
- How it all started
In 2004 I launched my own eBay store, and for 2 years sold DJ vinyl
records online which was also a hobby back then. As the years progressed
the knowledge of the internet and marketing experience expanded, to the
point of registering my own company 1weekSEO in March 2011.
combine employment and freelancing together at present, I used to be
bored of housework at the weekends, now I can earn money by doing
something I genuinely enjoy and love, I feel a very lucky person.
PPH is
the only freelancing site I use and I joined back in 2009. I have
registered with other websites yet the success I achieve with PPH and
the superb feedback system demonstrates my ability to potential clients,
a bit like eBay. I do have my own website which ranks top in Google for
my local area and keywords - if you can't rank your own website then
you need to improve your SEO, and I'm so proud of what I have achieved.
- Why freelancing suits me
for an Internet Marketer has one huge advantage - all I need is a
laptop and internet connection. Often I dream of relocating to Corfu, it
really wouldn't matter to my clients where I am in the world.
an early riser I'm often up before dawn excited about a new project and
keen to get cracking. I get super focused and hate to leave loose ends,
I am hyper organised with my time and run a tight scheduled diary.
Often I skip having a day off because I'm having fun marketing a new
website or project, if I can have fun and make money at the same time
then I am a very happy lady.
launch of the Hourlie section of the site in 2012 was the biggest
breakthrough for my workload, offering bite sized packages at a keen
price and clearly laying out what you do and don't get for the price
often led to larger projects.
The Hourlies on occasions lead to you
going that extra mile, perhaps spending much more time than you assigned
to ensure a client is happy, whether they pay £45 or £600. Customer
service and prompt communication is appreciated in any industry, right?
When you advertise an Hourlie you can even add your own video:
- What do I think has made me so successful?
Freelancing with PPH built up my confidence to charge a rate that reflected the quality of my services. I
increased my pricing package in line with other freelancers, and
gaining 5 star feedback is always my ultimate aim. When potential
clients view my profile they can see at a glance how hard I work, I
never outsource my tasks, everything I do has a personal touch and I
think that's where the success lies.
- How can I register and start to make money online?
performance and sticking to deadlines increases client confidence, and
when all tasks are complete I take great pleasure in feeling I have
achieved something and helped someone improve their website presence
therefore increasing traffic and ultimately increasing revenue.
It's a great feeling to help another small business succeed.
It's a great feeling to help another small business succeed.